Expand/collapse all function in letters screen for grouped saved letters/documents

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.186

When and how letters/documents are grouped is a configurable option for Enterprise customers
This is existing configuration (available prior to version 12.186)
Letters/documents can be set to always show in groups, never show in groups or only show in groups when more than a specified number are stored (e.g. when more than 5 documents are stored, category is grouped) - to request this option to be changed on your system, click here to contact Reapit Support

When a letters screen has letters/documents saved and stored in category groups, an option to expand or collapse all categories is available

This update allow all letters/documents to be displayed or hidden with one click, rather than several

From Letters screen:

  • In the Existing letters and files panel on right, click icon top left to collapse all categories

    Letters - collapsed.png
  • Click again to expand all categories

    Letters - expanded.png