Transfer float to another landlord property

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to transfer a float amount to a different landlord's property

1.   Select transfer option

From the landlord record:

  • Right-click Payments and select Manage Floats
    The Landlord Floats screen is displayed

  • To the right of the property you wish to transfer funds from, click Transfer
    Options are:

    • Transfer float from another property to the property selected

    • Transfer float to another property from the property selected

2. Select the property to transfer to

From the Transfer Float screen:

  • Depending on your selection in step 1, select either the Transfer From or Transfer To option 

  • Right-click Select and select Transfer to another landlord property
    The property search screen is displayed to allow you to search for the property that the float amount is to be allocated to

  • Double-click the property when found

3. Transfer complete

The transfer details will be displayed on the Transfer Float screen

  • Check the transfer details are correct and click OK

  • The float will be removed from the original property it was allocated to and will now be shown on the new property just selected

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