Transferring float between landlord properties

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page explains how to transfer a float between a landlord's properties

1.  Select transfer option

From the landlord record:

  • Right-click Payments and select Manage Floats
    The Landlord Floats screen is displayed

  • To the right of the property you wish to transfer funds from, click Transfer - select:

    • Transfer float from another property to the property selected 

    • Transfer float to another property from the property selected

2. Enter amount

From the Transfer Float screen:

  • Depending on your selection in step 1, select either the Transfer From or Transfer To option 

  • In Amount to Transfer, enter the amount

  • Click OK 

The float will now be transferred and allocated from the original property to the new property:

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