Custom alternate codes or references on a property

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant all regions

Alternate codes or references are useful for creating your own property references, making it easier to search and collate information in your own way

Alternate codes/ references can be used to search for a property record instead of the automatically generated one (although the standard reference will still be present and used as the primary reference code)

1. Access property Marketing screen

From the relevant property record:

  • Click Marketing

  • In the Additional section, Alternate Code field, enter your code (e.g. 1966)

2. Searching using the Alternate Code

To search using the alternate code, you must use the Advanced search* screen:

  • Enter a # followed by the alternate code characters
    e.g. #1966

*Advanced Search is available after carrying out a normal property search on the main menu, click here for more information