Complete a works order - including posting/authorising supplier invoices

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines the process to follow to complete a works order, including marking a works order as completed, posting the supplier invoice to accounts, saving the supplier version invoice and how to authorise - plus what to do when a works order does not require an invoice and how to locate supplier invoices that have been raised/authorised

1. Marking the works order as completed

Follow this process when the works order is complete and the supplier invoice has been received

From the works order screen:

2. Supplier invoice

Information from the works order will be pulled through to this screen

  • Check the information shown and add to/amend where required

  • Enter the Invoice Ref

  • Attach the supplier invoice via the Docs button - see 2a

2a. Attach supplier invoice

From supplier invoice:

  • Click Docs then click and drag the document over the Document Management window
    Or click Add and browse to your document

  • Name allows the document name to be changed and the Type is set to Invoice
    This determines how the document is shown in the Document Management window

  • Click Accept

  • The document is displayed in the Document Management window (shown below)

  • Right-click over any documents added for further options, such as Print or Attach to e-mail

  • The Invoice(s) window displays any uploaded documents - click to preview the document
    For more information on this feature, click here:

3. Authorise supplier invoice

When ready to authorise:

  • In the Status section, tick the Authorise by box
    This changes the invoice status to Authorised - Awaiting posting and date/user stamps the authorisation

  • Click Save and Exit

In order to authorise the invoice, you need to be set up with the appropriate system permissions

4. Accessing supplier invoices

Supplier invoices can be accessed from the associated works order or from the main menu

From the works order screen:

  • Click View supplier invoice 

From the main menu:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals and select Supplier Invoices

  • Selecting Pending Authorisation or Authorised and Awaiting Posting displays a list of invoices which can be viewed then authorised/posted individually or in bulk 

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