View payments (reprint BACS file)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The view payments report shows all payments processed via AgencyCloud

Previously generated BACS files can be reprinted from here, see this guide for more information:

1. Access view payments report

From main menu:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals

  • Under Reporting & Analysis select View Payments

2. View payments report

  • The report is shown in a grid, which allows you to:

    • Click any column heading to sort in ascending/descending order

    • Click to the right of a column heading for filter options

    • Right-click column headings to show totals and/or export to Excel

  • Use Dates fields (bottom left) to filter the payments shown

3. Accessing associated records

  • Right-click over any payment for options to view the associated records

Copy cell content is useful when
right-clicking over a long reference number/code

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