Pre-tenancy & move in processes

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page outlines how to carry out pre-tenancy & move-in processes

1. Check-in date

From the tenancy screen:

  • Click the Pre-Tenancy tab

  • Click Check in and complete details for the check in appointment (i.e. date/time, notes) and save

2. Add gas & electric certificates

Still on the Pre-Tenancy tab - beside Gas cert / Electrical cert at top:

  • If the property has not got a gas supply and/or an electric supply, tick No gas and/or No electric

If the property has gas and/or electric, beside relevant section:

  • Click No Certificate and select Add new certificate

  • Enter details including: 

    • Type as Gas/Electrical Safety

    • Booked and Expiry Dates

    • Provider 

    • Certificate Ref.

    • Depending on configuration, you may also need to complete certificate Checks

  • Click Save (top right)

  • An electronic copy of the certificate can be stored via the Documents button, as outlined in 3a below

Gas/electric certificate details must be entered (or No gas/No electric ticked) before the tenancy status can be changed to Current Tenancy

3. Access pre-tenancy checks

Still on the Pre-Tenancy tab - the Pre-Tenancy Checks list is displayed
Check types are specific to business requirements, therefore will differ to those shown below

Pre-Tenancy checks can be customised/configured via self-service configuration, as outlined here

3a. Attach associated documents

  • Click the paperclip icon beside the check to access the Document Management screen

  • Drag and drop your document over the above window, or click Add and browse to it

  • Name allows you to change the document name and Type 
    (as you want it to appear in the above window)

  • Click Accept
    The document is displayed in the Document Management window

3b. Change order of checklist

  • Hover mouse pointer over the check to move

  • Click and drag the double-headed arrow icon on left of screen to move the check

4. Update & complete pre-tenancy checks

  • Hovering over each check shows who last updated it and when

  • A tick is displayed next to completed checks

5. Produce tenancy agreement

From the tenancy screen:

  • Click Agreement tab

  • In each panel, click button to right to add renewal options or to add any required clauses
    Options offered are specific to business requirements

  • Click Letters (top right), select Tenancy Agreement template and click Create
    Or double-click agreement template

6. Save tenancy agreement within the system & convert to PDF

From agreement document in Word:

  • Click Save (in Word) - the following pop-up will be displayed in the system

  • Leave set to Save document in tenancy letters folder and click Accept

  • An option to Convert to PDF is offered, click Yes

  • The Save file as screen allows the File name to be changed (if required), click Save

From tenancy:

  • Click Letters to access the saved tenancy agreement (in the Existing letters and files panel)

7. Move in - change tenancy status

From the Details tab, middle pane (top):

  • Ensure the Tenancy start and end dates are entered

  • In Status, click to change the status to Tenancy current

  • Click Yes to confirm

A prompt to update the contact details for the tenant(s) is displayed:

  • In Applicant options, choose whether to Archive or Leave the applicant and whether to update the Tenant Addresses, then click Accept

8. Property record

The property record is also updated, as follows

  • The property Status is now Tenancy Current - Unavailable

  • The Available From date will be the day after the tenancy end date

  • The Gas expiry/Certificates information is displayed in green

  • The applicant is now displayed as the Tenant

  • All key events (i.e. changes to tenancy status etc) are automatically written to the property Journal and displayed in the Activity Feed (on right)

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