Faster Payments support - configuration option (UK only)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to UK only

A configuration option is available which provides support for Faster Payments as a payment method

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support

Bank details

Select bank details on the relevant record (e.g. landlord):

  • Set Payment method to Faster

  • Click Save

BACS/ABA & Cheque Run

From the BACS/ABA and Cheque Run:

  • For payments using Faster Payments, the Method column shows as Faster

  • The Faster section at the bottom summarises the number of Faster Payments in the list and the total to be paid

  • Click Prepare for the option to Prepare Faster Payments file

  • When choosing to create Landlord/tenant remittance advices, the email generated highlights that payments are being made via Faster Payments

View payments report

From main menu:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals and select Reporting and Analysis

  • Click View Payments
    Faster Payments are displayed

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