Expiry date on agreement renewal options on tenancy/renewal screens - configuration option
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
A configuration option is available which allows an expiry date to be set on selected agreement renewal options (agreement renewal options can be set via the tenancy and renewal negotiation screens)
When viewing tenancy/renewal information in a grid and/or reporting on tenancies/renewals, an agreement renewal expiry column can be shown in the grid/report results
Merge codes have also been added to the Letter Template Editor to allow the agreement renewal expiry date to be pulled into letters and emails
To request that expiry date(s) are added to specific agreement renewal options, click here to contact Reapit Support
1. Add renewal option & set expiry date Agreement renewal options can be set via the tenancy and/or the renewal negotiation screens From tenancy/renewal negotiation:
Tenancy screen Renewal negotiation screen |
2. Viewing expiry date in tenancy/renewal negotiation reports & grids After running a tenancy or renewal negotiation report or viewing a tenancy or renewal report grid, the agreement expiry date can be added and saved on both tenancy and renewal negotiation grids From tenancy/renewal negotiation grid:
The examples shown above are renewals grids seen when accessing renewals via the Organiser |
3. Merge fields for use in letters & emails A merge field has been added to the Letter Template Editor (LTE) for use in letters and email templates From LTE:
For more information on using the Letter Template Editor, click here: |
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