Applicant Analysis MI Analysis dashboard
This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions
The Applicant Analysis dashboard, one of the Management Information (MI) real-time dashboards available in Reapit, offers inbuilt real-time analysis of the applicant data held in your sales database
This real-time dashboard will help you to identify opportunities and potential business in your existing data
Figures are calculated automatically based on journal activity and other records across the database, meaning less reliance on time-consuming, and potentially inaccurate, manual reporting methods
To make sure the dashboard contents are accurate and reliable, ensure the following is consistently logged:
all applicants details are entered and each one has an applicant status screen completed in full
viewings are consistently logged including applicant data being entered in appointment details
offers are consistently logged against relevant applicants and the offer status is kept up-to-date
Accessing the dashboard, using the date & office filters plus general tips
Access the dashboard
Each panel is covered below - click a link to jump to a specific section Choose which data to view - Office(s) or Company
Choose which month to view
General tips for using the dashboard
Monthly Applicant Statistics
This chart shows applicant statistics for the previous 12 months plus the current month - hovering over the chart gives a summary for the chosen month
Registered Applicants by Location
- Use the + and – buttons (or mouse wheel) to zoom in and out - Click and drag the map to move position - After making changes to the map, Centre Map displays it in its original position
Viewing Breakdown
Weeks to Offer
Accessing Settings
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Settings options All Settings options are shown below
Data grids
Viewing data grids Data grids are available to allow you to drill down to view the data behind the chart/statistic
Data grid features
Show Data Bars