Using the Sales Daily Report

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The Sales Daily Report is a hugely influential and detailed report which should act as a cornerstone for your company towards monitoring influential KPIs

Providing live, to-the-second, reporting across the branch network - allowing quick identification of bottlenecks along with highlighting improvements required in data quality and opportunities

For information on accessing the report, click here:

Why and how is this report useful?

While Power Reports can be created as an additional resource towards identifying key data, the Sales Daily Report calls all your key metrics together in one view

More and more agents use this report within their morning meetings; as the Sales Daily Report is not locked down, it should be encouraged that staff review their performance within the various metrics to ensure that their efforts are reflected in the results - senior staff should hold confidence that the metrics presented are correct and strategic decisions could be influenced as a result

One of the key things to remember, is that within the Settings menu, you can toggle the Diary Date to Use options between Appointment Date and Booked Date

From the Sales Daily Report:

  • Click Settings (top right)

  • Diary Date To Use: set to Appointment Date or Booked Date

Appointment Date – the date the appointment occurred

Booked Date – the date the appointment was created

Not all staff performance is judged solely on booking volumes, e.g. viewings booked/undertaken, but more so on the business they generate; the Sales Daily Report will give you these metrics

While the majority of the figures within the report are generally self explanatory, it is useful to look out for potential correlations - for example, within a given period, withdrawn figures could be on the high side and price reductions low - this may lead towards a suggestion that some instructions for that office are over-priced

Numbers are great, but there are also a number of fee and price columns which provide the value of the data in question - noting high value pipeline figures should provide a focus towards sales progression and others such as average fee % to view a broader picture towards negotiation strengths/weaknesses

Finally, the end columns provide an insight into branch/neg applicants registered - as part of a morning meeting, fresh applicants entered into your database should be comprehensive - and therefore given the best chance to be matched correctly which, in turn, leads to more viewings and offers
In addition, prospecting can only be successful where data is excellent, therefore it is important to get the data quality right at the beginning of their journey within your database

Understanding the metrics

Before reviewing your data within the report, it is essential that you are comfortable with setting the date range options at the top of the Sales Daily Report screen

The Day/Week column range will offer today, yesterday, this week, last week and a two date range pick option. The month range is either this month to date or last month

Each metric listed below refers to each set of columns presented in the Sales Daily Report, click a link to skip to the required section:


  • Both MAs and viewings are covered in the Appointments section

  • As mentioned, before progressing, make sure you are comfortable with the Diary Date to Use within the Settings screen

New Offers

  • Unique offers made within a property record for day or month

  • Office level data will give you the office ownership relational to the property offered on, or expand the office to view the results of negotiators adding unique offers

Price Reductions

  • Reductions by day and month to date are shown


  • An instruction is counted where a property record status moves from Market Appraisal to For Sale – Available - therefore Average Price column will display the average for instructed properties in the date range only

  • Average fee column is calculated by taking the total expected commission for all properties, divided by the average price


  • Shows properties with a status change to Withdrawn with a journal entry added in day or month

  • Useful to investigate results further and ask such questions as: 
    Have we set a next call date at a suitable time to revisit a conversation with the vendor?

Under Offer/Sold STC

  • Expected commission for properties placed Under Offer/SSTC in % or a fixed commission

  • Commission is based on Offer Accepted price

Fall Throughs

  • A status move from Under Offer to For Sale will trigger a Fall Through

  • Fee Lost column calculates fees based on the Accepted Offer Price


  • Commission expected from properties that Exchanged in the given time period

  • Fee column provides the monetary amount


  • As previous section - though these should be checked closely so not to leave Completions as Exchanged for portal purposes

  • Completions can be fed towards portals if required

Accepted Offers (Pipeline)

  • An obvious key metric for any agency office

  • Under Offer properties with an accepted offer

  • Can be viewed at Office or Negotiator level


  • Properties currently Available or Under Offer

New Applicants & New Contacts

  • An obvious but very useful statistic for continual review

  • By reviewing the new applicant/contact data regularly, teams can overlook missed opportunities through poor data quality

  • Getting the data right early gives the applicant/contact the opportunity to be serviced correctly and for prospecting to be successful

Matches & Details Sent

  • Highlights how often users are matching and sending out details

  • Matches include where there has been journal entries for matches, hand matches, details sent and brochures sent

  • Details Sent counts only include the details sent journal entry

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