Add landlord fees to a property - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A configuration option is available which allows landlord fees to be added to a property without being associated to a tenancy

This could be used for instances where a landlord needs to be charged a fee when there isn't an active tenancy on a property, for example: to charge an on-going fee for contents insurance cover

Raised invoices from the property will be posted to the rent run as well as the landlord/supplier transaction ledgers, as applicable

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support

1. View landlord fees

From the property record:

  • Click Rent/Fee Details

    A Landlord fees field is available bottom right

2. Add one-off or recurring landlord fee

From the Landlord fees field (shown in step 1):

  • Double-click Add

  • Type allows you select One-off or Recurring

    When set to Recurring, a Fee End date can be set, along with setting the frequency via the Recur Every field

One-off fee

Recurring fee

3. Select charge type

  • Click Charge

    Two options are offered:

  • Landlord Admin Fee 
    As seen in step 2

  • Landlord to Supplier Fee

    • Select Supplier

    • Tick to Include VAT, when required

  • Complete all fields as required

  • Click Accept


4. Fees in Rent Run

The landlord fees will then be carried over to:

  • Rent Run

  • Landlord Transactions

  • Supplier Transactions (where Landlord to Supplier Fee has been applied)

    Once the charge has been raised, when viewing the charge in the Rent/Commission Details screen (as shown in step 1), various fields will be non-editable, such as the Type, Charge and Fee

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