View start/end dates for tenancy on arrears screen

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

The start and end dates for a tenancy in arrears are shown in the arrears screen - this allows current tenancies to be more easily identified

These columns are available in the arrears screen from version 12.144+

From the main menu:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals and select Chase Arrears

  • The Tenancy Start and Tenancy End columns are automatically displayed

  • Use grid features to sort and group the arrears information
    e.g. click the column headings to sort in ascending/descending order
    or click to the right of a column heading to filter the screen by tenancy start/end date

The default position of the two new date columns is further to the right of the arrears screen

If you wish to move the positions of the new columns: click and drag the column headings to the desired position, then right-click over any column heading and select Save grid layout