Using Rent Pressure Zone functionality (IE only)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to IE only

When a property is in a Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ), a user will be prevented from raising the rent above the allowed limit, as set out in the RPZ guidelines

RPZ settings are stored on the property record - when making a new tenancy current or renewing/extending an existing tenancy, on saving the tenancy record, the system will check the proposed rent against the allowed rent and changes will only be saved if the rent is within the RPZ allowed limit

When a tenancy is made current or when a tenancy renewal or extension is created and saved - rent history is created and saved - the key data for RPZ being the rent amount being charged and the date this came into effect - this is then used for future rent reviews and new tenancies on this property

1. Access RPZ settings on the property record

The RPZ settings for the property are stored in the Marketing screen

From the property: 

  • Click Marketing

    Rent Pressure Zones settings can be found bottom left - each section is explained below


2. No previous rent history

  • Tick when there is no rent history on this property
    This would usually be ticked for a property that is new to being let out, or for a property that has been rented before but is new to your agency and no previous rent details are known

When ticked, this will allow rent to be set on the tenancy screen with no restriction

3. In RPZ

  • Set Yes when the property is in the RPZ
    When rent history is available, this will automatically populate the Last Rent amount and Review Date fields below

  • Set No when the property is outside of the RPZ

  • Set Exempt if a property is within the RPZ but is exempt from a rent increase

If this setting is left blank, the property will be treated as being outside of the RPZ zone

4. Start Date

  • The date the RPZ legalisation became law for the area the property is in

5. Last Rent p/w, p/m or p/a

  • Where rent history is available within the system (i.e. Reapit), this will be automatically updated and will display the latest/last rent amount being charged, either when a tenancy on this property was marked as current, or when a renewal or extension was saved

  • When no rent history is available on the system but the previous rent amount is known, the last rent amount can be entered manually

6. Review Date

  • Where rent history is available within the system (i.e. Reapit), this will be automatically updated and will display the date the rent, at the amount stated in Last Rent on left, started being charged, either when a tenancy on this property was marked as current, or when a renewal or extension was saved

  • When no rent history is available on the system but the previous rent review date is known, the last rent review date can be entered manually

7. Saving RPZ settings

  • Providing all the above settings have been completed correctly, click Exit to close the Marketing screen

  • Click Save on the property record

8. Setting the rent

When setting the initial rent, or when adding an extension or renewal to an existing tenancy

  • Enter the rent in the appropriate Rent field
    i.e. on Tenancy Details or within the Renewal/extension screen, as relevant

  • To set the rent amount to the maximum allowed:

    • Right-click over the Rent field

    • Select Set to maximum allowed rent
      The previous rent history will be used to set the maximum rent allowed within the RPZ legislation

  • Other scenarios are outlined in 8a

8a. Other scenarios

  • It is not possible to increase rent within 12 months since the last review (where entered)

  • When the In RPZ setting on the property is set to No or Exempt (via property Marketing), no increase is allowed until after 24 months since the start date of the last tenancy

9. When rent is set too high

When setting the initial rent, or when adding an extension or renewal to an existing tenancy

If the rent amount entered is too high:

  • On clicking Save on the tenancy record, a message will be displayed 

  • Click OK and alter the rent amount accordingly


10. Saving the tenancy record 

When making a tenancy current or when adding an extension or renewal to an existing tenancy, on clicking Save on the tenancy record, if no message is displayed, this indicates that the rent amount is within RPZ guidelines

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