Reprint a supplier remittance

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page explains how to reprint a supplier remittance

1. Select supplier & access payments

From the supplier company record:

  • Click Payments

2. Report contents

By default, the payments screen will display all payments made to the supplier, clicking Print now would include all payments in the report

However, before generating the report, it is possible to filter the payments included

  • Use the Dates fields to show payments by date

  • Use grid features - clicking to the right of each column heading offers options to filter by that column, e.g. Paid

  • Green tick indicates money has been processed through the BACS/ABA run

  • Red cross indicates payment has not yet been processed through the BACS/ABA run, therefore a remittance cannot be produced

3. Generate report

From the Payments screen:

  • Click Print

  • Select Reprint remittance

    You can then preview and print the remittance or e-mail

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