Invoice grid updates (12.168)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When viewing invoices via a grid, enhanced grid functionality is available - this includes being able to:

  • Pick columns

  • Change the order of columns

  • Save the new grid layout

3 new columns have also been added within the Pick columns option on to the invoice grid:
Supplier Type, Works Order Amount, Works Order Reference

Prior to this release, the invoice grids were fixed and could not be customised by adding or moving columns
Therefore this update provides the same functionality seen throughout the majority of grids in AgencyCloud

While being publicised as part of the AgencyCloud 12.168 release, this update was implemented from version 12.167

1. Access invoice grids

Use either of the two highlighted options:

  • Click Lettings/Rentals then select Pending Authorisation or Authorised and Awaiting Posting

2. Access grid options

From an invoice grid:

  • Right-click over the column headings - a Pick columns option is available allowing columns to be added and removed from the grid
    The highlighted options are new columns which are now available to be added to the invoice grid

  • Columns can be moved to the desired position in the grid and then saved

    • Right-click over the column headings again and select Save grid layout
      Reset to default will put the grid back to its original layout

When pre-approved invoice functionality is in use, the Pre-Approved column position is fixed on the left - it can be moved temporarily, but when returning to the grid it will be moved to its original position (as shown above)
For more information on pre-approved invoice functionality, see section titled 'Pre-approved invoices' in this guide

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