Marking an unknown receipt as a reversal

Marking an unknown receipt as a reversal

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant all regions

This article explains how to mark an unknown receipt as a reversal, allowing the debit leaving the bank account to be reconciled

1. Import receipts from statement

The receipt must be marked as unknown and then reconciled

From Import Receipts from Bank Statement:

  • Use the buttons at the top to display Unknown Tenancy

  • Right-click the entry and select Reverse unknown receipt
    This removes the entry

2. Mark as unknown

From Import Receipts from Bank Statement screen:

  • Highlight the required entry and select Unknown (bottom of screen)
    This marks the entry as Unknown

  • Click Post

  • Open the Bank Reconciliation screen and reconcile the unknown amount

3. Bank Reconciliation 

The reversed funds will now sit in the Bank Reconciliation, ready to be reconciled after the next Import Receipts from Bank Statement detailing the payment

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