Indicate certificates managed by landlord

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Any certificate types managed by the landlord can be indicated
(prior to AgencyCloud 12.131 this just applied to gas safety certificates)

Landlord-managed certificates can be identified via the appliances screen, the certificates screen itself and in any grid list of certificates due to expire (viewable via the Property Management panel of the Organiser)

1. Set which certificates are managed by the landlord

From property screen, Attributes panel:

  • Click edit (pencil) icon and select Appliances, Insurance & Safety tab

  • In the Utilities panel, click the link beside Certificates managed by landlord

The above menu is used to identify landlord responsibility from AgencyCloud versions 12.131 to 12.142 - if you are using version 12.143+, click here for latest guidance:

  • Tick which certificate types are managed by the landlord
    For certificates already held, a Landlord Books Certificate column is included in the grid indicating which certificates are managed by the landlord - as shown in above Safety Checks, Certificates, Insurance & Warranties section

2. Adding/editing a certificate

When adding or editing a certificate managed by the landlord, a note to indicate this is shown beside the certificate Type

3. Viewing certificates due to expire

When viewing a list of certificates due to expire from the Organiser Property Management panel, which certificates are managed by the landlord can be seen

For example, from the Electrical Safety due to expire list:

  • Click Pop out to full results icon in the panel header

  • The list will be shown in a grid including a Landlord Books Certificate column

  • Click the column heading to sort in order, or click to the right of the column for options to filter or group the list