Entering a supplier invoice

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This article covers how to enter an invoice received from a supplier which is to be paid by a landlord or tenant

From the Lettings/Rentals menu, click Supplier Invoices and select New Invoice: 

1. Locate the works order

  • Click Select beside Works Order
    Use the works order reference if available, or search by property

  • Once located, double-click to accept

Not all invoices will have Works Orders. For example:

  • Council rates

  • Water invoices

  • Service Charges

  • Owners Corporation Fees

2. Complete the remaining fields 

All fields should be entered - if there are missing fields, you may not be able to save

APAC customers only:

The BPAY reference field will be available providing the payment method set against Company level has been set to BPAY

3. Review and update the status

Depending on business process/invoice type

  • Select Authorise by Property Manager or Post to Accounts


4. Save and add another option

If you need to add another invoice:

  • Click Save and add another

    See 4a

Clicking Save and add another allows you to copy over specific information to a new supplier invoice to reduce manual data entry

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