Sales progressor can be added to offer/property report grid

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.177

When running an offer report and displaying property specific information, sales progressor information can be added to the report results grid

Prior to this release, due to the offer report grid not having the option to add a sales progressor column to it, sales progressor information could not be viewed

1. Run offer report

From main menu:

  • Click Reports and select Power Reports

  • Select report type of Offer Report and choose required criteria - e.g. Status - Offer Accepted

  • From Linked Records, select Property - this adds the property criteria as a sub-report

    Sales progressor on offer report - 1.png
  • Click Pick Property Criteria and select property-related criteria, such as Sales Status
    In the example report shown below, properties will be returned that are SSTC - Available/Unavailable with an Offer Accepted

  • Click Run Report (bottom right)

    Sales progressor on offer report - example report.png

2. View sales progressor information in report results grid

From report results grid:

  • Right-click over the column headings, select Pick columns and click More

  • Select Sales Progressor and click Accept

  • The new column is added to the far right side of the grid - click and drag the column heading to the desired position

  • Right-click over the column headings again and click Save grid layout

  • The column will show when viewing this type of grid again - grid functions can be used to sort, group or filter the list

    • To sort the list, click the column heading

    • To group or filter the list, click to the right of the column heading to view filter icon (shown below), click icon and select required option to filter by or click Group by Sales Progressor

Adding a sales progressor relationship on a sales property was introduced in version 12.172

For more information, click here:

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