Transfer deposit/bond from an existing tenancy

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This page explains how to transfer a deposit/bond from an existing to a new tenancy

1. Access the transfer deposit option

From the tenancy:

  • In the Accounts panel, beside the Deposit field, click Manage

  • In the Refunds panel, right-click Refund Deposit and select Transfer deposit to another tenancy


2. Enter the amount to transfer

From the available deposit:

  • Enter the amount to transfer and click Accept

  • Search for and select the tenancy the deposit is to be transferred to 

  • Click Yes to confirm the deposit transfer


3. Review the deposit screen for both tenancies

The tenancy the deposit was transferred from with now show as the deposit refunded

The deposit funds will now be available on the tenancy it was transferred to for allocation to a deposit invoice