How to tell if a supplier invoice has been paid

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A supplier company record should be used to identify if a supplier invoice has been paid

The landlord or tenant record may identify that it has been paid from the landlord or tenant account, but it will not display the details of if/when it has been paid from the bank

1. View transactions

From the supplier company record:

  • In Payments and Terms panel, click Transactions

2. Filter the screen

Depending on the information you have to hand, there are various options available in order to filter the screen to locate the invoice

  • Click to the right of the relevant column heading to apply the filter

    • Use Invoice column to filter by invoice number

    • Use Property column to filter by property address

3. Locate the invoice

The original invoice will have the type of Landlord/Tenant Works Order

  • The Unallocated column represents the unpaid balance

  • Any payments towards this invoice will be shown in the Type column as a Works Order Payment 

4. Check if the supplier been sent funds

  • Right-click over the Works Order Payment and select Show payment details

The Payments screen is displayed:

  • Red cross indicates that the payment has not yet been released to the supplier

  • Green tick indicates that the payment has been made
    The date and payment method is also shown

5. Printing payment details

  • If required, highlight/select a paid invoice (i.e. one shown with a green tick) and click Print

  • This will display further options to assist your supplier with locating the payment if required


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