Receipting a single receipt against multiple records

Receipting a single receipt against multiple records

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

This guide explains how to split a single receipt into multiple receipts

This can be useful for receipts received from Centrelink or Housing Benefit

1. Import the bank statement

Once the bank statement is imported:

  • Click (once) on the receipt that needs to be split into multiple receipts

2. Mark as a multiple receipt

  • Ensure the receipt is highlighted and then click multiple at the bottom
    You will now be able to see that you are able to manually enter the amount on multiple lines and match to different tenancies

3. Manually enter the details 

  • Enter the amount and match to the record as normal

  • Enter the next receipt details until the total

  • Complete the receipts from statement as normal

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