Update to tenancy break clause notice & active from functionality (12.168)

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

From AgencyCloud 12.168+, updates have been made to the configuration option for tenancy break clause notice & active from functionality (introduced in AgencyCloud 12.159)

The following updates to the Break Clause screen apply to users with this configuration option enabled:

  • Tenancy Start Date field has been added

  • Previously titled Break From date is now termed Break After

  • The Break After date is calculated from the Tenancy Start Date minus one day
    (rather than the Break Clause Active date)

  • The previously used Active date is no longer required and is not displayed on newly added break clauses
    This field is displayed on existing break clauses but is marked as being for historical information only
    See step 3 below for further information

All the above updates provide a clearer view with regards to when each break clause is valid

More information on the configuration introduced in AgencyCloud 12.159 is outlined here:

1. Access break clause agreements

From tenancy, Agreement tab:

  • The Break Clauses panel displays existing break clause agreements

  • The Break After date is now displayed
    This date indicates when the break clause can be instigated and is based on the tenancy start date

2. Add/edit break clause agreement

From the tenancy Agreement tab, Break Clauses panel:

  • Click to add new, or double-click to edit an existing break clause agreement

  • The Break Clause screen is displayed:

    • Active field has been removed
      It is displayed on historic break clause agreements, see step 3

    • A non-editable Tenancy Start Date field has been added

    • The Break After date field (previously titled Break From)

      • is calculated from the Tenancy Start Date (rather than the Active date)

      • is calculated minus one day

3. Edit historic break clause agreement

When editing an historic break clause (i.e. one created prior to AgencyCloud 12.168):

  • The (non-editable) Active date box is still displayed

  • Hovering over it displays a tool tip to inform that the field is for historical information only

For an existing break clause agreement, the Break After and Required Notice dates are still being calculated from the Active date rather than the Tenancy Start Date

Therefore both the Break After and Required Notice fields need to be manually updated to the required/correct dates based on the Tenancy Start Date

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