Delete related management fee invoices when deleting rent invoices

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When your system is set up to pay management fees proportionally according to rent received - from AgencyCloud 12.127+, when any unpaid rent invoice is deleted, the associated management fee will also be deleted

This means that when deleting an unpaid rent invoice, you do not need to remember to manually delete the associated management fee too

From tenancy: 

  • Access Transactions

  • Right-click over the unallocated/unpaid rent invoice and select Delete transaction
    The option to delete the related management fee invoice is offered

  • Click Yes
    Clicking No deletes the invoice from the tenant ledger only

  • This notification is displayed
    The three records includes the tenant invoice plus the landlord and agent ledger entries of the management fee invoice

  • Click Yes to complete the process

  • Click OK

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