Deposit notes can be added on a tenancy

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.186

Deposit notes can be added/viewed on a tenancy via the tenant refunds screen

Once added, deposit notes can also be viewed on the tenancy Activity Feed

This enhancement allows a deposit related audit trail to be logged which can be particularly useful for discussions relating to dilapidations, for example

1. Add deposit note

From tenancy:

  • In Accounts panel, beside Deposit, click Manage

    Deposit note - manage link on tenancy.png
  • In Refunds section, click Refund Deposit to display the tenant refunds screen

    Deposit note - refund deposit link.png
  • The right-side of the screen will display any deposit notes already added, click Add

  • Enter note and click Accept to save and close

Once saved, deposit notes cannot be edited or deleted, therefore providing a reliable audit trail

2. Deposit notes in tenant refunds screen

From tenant refunds:

  • Deposit notes are displayed in the notes panel on the right

3. Deposit notes in tenancy screen

From tenancy:

  • Deposit notes (created in the tenant refunds screen) are automatically displayed in the Activity Feed panel