Additional tenant leaving current tenancy with no replacement

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

When an additional tenant is leaving a current tenancy, no one is taking their place and the tenancy is continuing with the main tenant, the vacating tenant name can be removed

In this example, Ms Thomas is leaving but no one is taking her place
Mr Vai is continuing the tenancy

From the tenancy, Additional Tenants / Occupiers panel:

  • Click the additional tenant name

  • From the Tenant screen, in the right-hand side Dates field - enter the date the tenant vacated
    (or is due to vacate)

  • Click Save - close the Tenant screen

  • When the end date is in the past, the tenant will show as (Vacated)

This functionality is also available via the Tenant Change wizard, which also allows tenants to be swapped, as well as removed from a current tenancy, click here for more information