Edit tenancy agreement template text - configuration option

Edit tenancy agreement template text - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

Available from version 12.179

Configurable option for Enterprise customers
To request this option to be enabled on your system, click here to contact Reapit Support

A configuration option is available which allows template text used for tenancy agreements to be edited on a tenancy-by-tenancy basis

When enabled, all text used for break clauses, allowances, responsibilities and renewal options can be edited for the selected tenancy - this is presented in a much larger screen, making the viewing/editing of tenancy agreement text easier, while allowing all text to be changed, not just the editable fields

Once edited, the text can be reverted to the original template text if required

1. Access tenancy agreements

From tenancy:

  • Click Agreement

  • All break clauses, allowances, responsibilities and renewal options are stored on this screen

Agreements on tenancy.png

Further information on agreement configuration is available in this section of the Knowledge Base: Configuration options (tenancy)

2. Add/edit agreement text

Edit renewal option text

From the tenancy Agreement tab (shown in section 1):

  • On Renewal Option panel, click Edit icon

    Agreements on tenancy - renewal option edit icon.png

Edit a break clause, allowance or responsibility text

From the tenancy Agreement tab (shown in section 1):

  • Click add icon to add a new break clause, allowance or responsibility
    Or, double-click an existing agreement to edit it

  • Above the Letter Text field, click Edit icon
    The example shown below is a Break Clause - however, the same instructions apply to allowances or responsibilities

    Agreements on tenancy - break clause.png

The agreement text is displayed in a separate window where changes can be made, see next step

3. Edit agreement text & save changes

In edit mode:

  • All text is shown and is taken from the template - all text can be edited

  • Where values need to be entered into the agreement text, this is indicated by insert text here
    In order to save the agreement, the relevant text needs to be entered as usual (where indicated)

    Agreements on tenancy - edit break clause text.png
  • Close the edit text window to save
    The edited text is shown on screen

    Agreements on tenancy - break clause - text edited.png

4. Revert to original template text option

It is possible to revert the text to the original template version

From agreement:

  • Click Revert icon, then click Yes to confirm when prompted

    Agreements on tenancy - break clause - revert option.png

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