Periodic tenancy reason - configuration option

This guide has been reviewed against our global client base and classed as relevant to all regions

A configuration option is available that allows a periodic tenancy reason & notes to be added when marking a tenancy as periodic - the relevant reason is selected from a predefined list plus more detailed notes can also be added

Making a tenancy periodic can be done from the tenancy record and also from a tenancy renewal - in both cases, when marking the tenancy as periodic, selecting a reason/adding notes will be required

When requesting for this feature to be enabled via Reapit Support (see link below), you will need to supply the required periodic tenancy reasons, as they are set-up to meet the requirements of your business

To enable this configuration option, click here to contact Reapit Support

1. Make tenancy periodic

From tenancy:

  • Tick Periodic

    The tenancy periodic reason screen is automatically displayed, see next step

This functionality is also available from a tenancy renewal

2. Enter periodic tenancy reason

Pre-set reasons will be offered (options offered are dependent on business requirements)

  • Select Reason

  • Enter Review Date*

  • Enter Comments if required

  • Click OK


*From AgencyCloud 12.157+, the ability to add a review date was added, see this guide for more information:

3. Reason logged in Activity Feed

The periodic tenancy reason is logged in the Activity Feed

4. Periodic tenancy reasons in Power Report results grid

When running a tenancy report or renewal negotiations report, periodic tenancy reasons & comments can be seen in the results grid (but first need to be added, see 4a below)

For example, when running a tenancy report on current tenancies that are periodic:

  • The results grid displays the Periodic reason and Periodic comment
    These columns need to be added to the grid first, see 4a below

  • Click to the right of the Periodic reason column for options to group or filter by reason, or click the column heading to sort by reason

4a. Add reason & comment columns to grid

Once added and saved, both columns will always be displayed on a tenancy report grid

  • Right-click over the column heading and select Periodic comment & Periodic reason

  • New columns are added to the right of the grid, click and drag to reposition

  • Right-click column headings again and select Save grid layout

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