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Reapit CRM (desktop)
Getting started / quick guide - for sales, lettings & property management
Beta Release Notes
Release Notes index
Sales & Lettings/Rentals
Developments, new homes, land
Internet registrations (portal leads)
Invoicing (sales - UK)
Lettings specific
Property Management Organiser panel
Pre-tenancy & end of tenancy
Certificates & appliances
Arrears (property management)
Property inspections (property management)
Tenancy alterations & renewals/extensions (property management)
Works orders (property management)
Licenced & permitted occupiers
Add a lettings offer & the tenancy screen
28 day / 4 week rent period
Initial end date stored on tenancy
Shortcut on tenancy to send email to all guarantors
Additional tenant leaving current tenancy with no replacement
Add Tenancy Manager relationship to a tenancy
Identify property inspector as a relationship on tenancy
Add an inventory clerk to a tenancy
Adding/deleting tenants logged in Activity Feed
Automatically log key tenancy changes to the tenancy Activity Feed
Record arrears note against a tenancy
Record tenancy inventory check in/out responsibility
Notice received date field on tenancy
Recording electronic correspondence consent on a tenancy
Merge codes available for tenancy break clauses, allowances & responsibilities
Configuration options (tenancy)
Edit tenancy agreement template text - configuration option
Set rent frequency to traditional English quarter dates - configuration option
Add tenancy break clause notice & effective from dates - configuration option
Set default tenancy agreement clauses - configuration option
Change tenants on a current tenancy (using tenant change wizard) - configuration option
Periodic tenancy reason - configuration option
Restrict access to tenant details - configuration options
Tenant credit grade - configuration option
Record reason for an arranging tenancy being withdrawn or cancelled - configuration option
Restrict users from adding a current or completed tenancy - configuration option
Prevent changes to a current tenancy - configuration option
Configuration options (lettings specific)